War, contention, fighting, violence, intolerance, hatred, bitterness, pain, resentments. Sound familiar to everyone? Yeah I thought so. It’s everywhere. EVERYWHERE!!! Negativity is prevailing!!! So it seems anyways. I lived in fear for years, which in turn made me participate in all of these things in one way or another. “No one likes me, everyone hates me; someone hurt me so I have to hurt them; someone made me mad, so I got a resentment; someone isn’t doing what I’m doing, what I want them to do, or what I think they should do, now I hate them because they are wrong; my ideas are better than theirs, I have to prove them wrong or at least I have to make others hate them too; there’s only one way to do this, or that; oh they may not like me (or any other assumptions), ok screw them all, I can do everything myself, and ill push them out of my way to get what I want; oh they look different than me, I hate them; oh they don’t think I’m pretty, I hate myself.” I could go on and on and o...
Poetry and Writings by Marie Slider Henriksen ****** View my photography at sliderbabe.weebly.com ******